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7 (1) 5(3) 605021 Want 2 1 2. *2=4368 CONCLUSION:Nearly 70% of Colorado cannabis dispensaries contacted recommended Potential for fetal harm, 5(3–8), 4(1–9), 1(0–8), 8(3–16), 0.15. Jul 9, 2018 Wondering what the different CBD:THC ratios are and which is best for you? Read on to The 1:0 CBD:THC ratio strain produces no high. Synthesis of Para (−)-Δ8-THC Triflate as a Building Block for the Preparation of THC Derivatives Bearing Different DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-64183-0.00004-X. Robert Hämmig, Ulrich W. Preuss, Michael Soyka. Brain Sciences 2018, 8 (3) , 40.
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